2012 Conference

Abstract: Members of the Forum have helped to develop a large NIHR-funded research study of Pre-Pregnancy Health and care in England through reviewing the design of participant questionnaires, and developing patient information and strategies for recruitment.

In an effort to involve all local residents, a project setting up contraceptive and sexual health services for homeless people has been awarded a bursary from the Burdett Trust for nursing.

Patients report being very satisfied with the care they receive at the Centre, prompting them to get involved with the Forum as a way of giving something back. Forum meetings are lively gatherings, where staff and patients speak openly with each other. Centre staff describe gaining better insight into the patient experience and learning how care information might be (mis-)understood by patients. Patients feel involved in the research and their own care.

Learning points include practicalities of the patient involvement process, mutual benefits of such projects to both patients and staff, and successful projects currently underway at the Margaret Pyke Centre.

Areas for discussions will embrace the above, as well as maintaining the interest of volunteers, strategies to bring patients’ suggestions into practice and issues of selfsustainability of public engagement projects.

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Haider ~ Zara

Dr Zara Haider, Consultant in Sexual and Reproductive Health.

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McGregor ~ Fiona

Sexual and Reproductive Health Research Nurse/Honorary Research Associate, Camden PCT/Institute for Women's Health, UCL. Fiona McGregor is a Registered Specialist Community Public Health Nurse with a special interest in research. She has a background in women’s and sexual health, and nurse education. Her role as research nurse at UCL includes developing and supporting the patient involvement forum, and research trials in contraception and STIs.

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Shawe ~ Jill

Dr Jill Shawe, RN, RM, RHV, PhD.

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Sydenham ~ Emma

Lay Chair, Margaret Pyke Centre Research and Innovation Forum. An editor of the Cochrane Library, Emma's Sydenham's interests include evidencebased practice, and the efficient organisation and financing of health care. She serves as volunteer lay chair of the Margaret Pyke Centre Research and Innovation Forum and their NIHR-funded study on Pre-Pregnancy Health in England.

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