
Please note that benefits guidance and tax legislation been subject to considerable change/reinterpretation since 2019. Any INVOLVE documents referring to the payment of involvement fees may now be out of date and are pending a review during 2020. INVOLVE’s guidance should not be substituted for professional advice, and INVOLVE accepts no liability for decisions or actions taken as a result of its guidance. You are always recommended to take your own tax, finance or legal advice.

New confidential service launched 29 January 2015

  • a new service offering personal advice and support on how payment of fees and expenses for public involvement might affect people in receipt of state benefits
  • NIHR in partnership with others is offering a service that covers advice on payment of fees and expenses for public involvement in health or social care research, service design or service delivery
  • the service will be provided by Bedford Citizens Advice Bureau, initially as a pilot for one year.

Who is the Benefits Advice service for?

The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) is offering this confidential service to:

  • members of the public involved with NIHR organisations or NIHR funded research projects.  Find out more
  • researchers and staff within NIHR organisations or NIHR funded research projects who are supporting members of the public to get involved.  Find out more

INVOLVE is funding this service on behalf of, and for the NIHR.  Other partners who are also part of the service are:

  • NHS England
  • Health Research Authority (HRA)
  • Involving People (Wales)
  • Social Care Institute for Excellence and Think Local, Act Personal (TLAP)