

Website help

If you have any problems using our website please either complete our website feedback form or email us

Making the text bigger

There is a facility on the site to enlarge the text: just click the Text Size buttons found on the right just above the blue menu bar.

Alternatively, if you are using Internet Explorer, go to the menu at the top of your browser and select View > Text size > (or press ‘Alt’ and then ‘V’) and select the size you require (this can be done by pressing X and using the scroll arrows).

Using Netscape, go to View > Text zoom > and select the size you require.

If you are using Firefox, go to View > Text size > and select Increase.


PDF stands for Portable Document File. It’s a way of making downloadable documents available on the web. You need a plug-in called Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these files which you can download for free from Adobe’s website

Adobe Acrobat documents can be converted to Word documents using Adobe’s PDF to Word Converter

Later versions of Acrobat Reader (version 6 onwards) have a Read Out Loud facility, which can be found under the View menu.

Viewing a Word file without Word software

A free Word viewer as well as Excel and PowerPoint viewers are available from the Microsoft Download Center


When you print a page from this site all colour and most images have been removed to facilitate fast and economical printing. When viewing in larger text using the “View site in larger text” button the printing will be in a large font. When viewing in smaller text the print will be in smaller text size.

Standards compliance

We are committed to making our website content accessible to all users, regardless of physical, economic or technological circumstances. If you have any problems accessing the content of this site please contact us