Updates on welfare benefits regulations (2018)

Please note that benefits guidance and tax legislation been subject to considerable change/reinterpretation since 2019. Any INVOLVE documents referring to the payment of involvement fees may now be out of date and are pending a review during 2020. INVOLVE’s guidance should not be substituted for professional advice, and INVOLVE accepts no liability for decisions or actions taken as a result of its guidance. You are always recommended to take your own tax, finance or legal advice.

Welfare benefits regulations can be complicated. These updates offer guidance on some recent changes to the regulations that may affect people who are offered payment for public involvement in research while receiving welfare benefits.

Pages: 5

Public involvement in research and research ethics committee review

This statement has been developed by the Health Research Authority (HRA) and INVOLVE for researchers who will be submitting applications for ethical review to provide clarity and guidance on public involvement in research and the requirements of Research Ethics Committee (REC) review.

Impact of public involvement on the ethical aspects of research

Reward and recognition for children and young people involved in research – things to consider

Children and young people involved in research should receive appropriate reward and recognition for their contributions. This demonstrates the value that you place on their time, commitment and expertise when involved in your research activities. Many of the things to consider when involving adults also apply when involving children and young people; however there are other specific issues that you should think about when planning involvement that includes young people.

Involving children and young people in research: top tips and essential key issues for researchers

This is a short overview of the key issues on involving children and young people in NHS, public health and social care research. These have been developed by INVOLVE in response to requests from researchers for practical information on what they need to consider when involving children and young people in research.

The purpose of this document is to highlight:

  • top tips for researchers ranked by children and young people
  • practical and essential information on how to plan to involve children and young people in research
  • where to go for more detailed guidance and other resources.

The information was developed by reviewing existing information and guidance on involving children and young people in research. It is not intended as a comprehensive handbook or manual. The top tips were developed by selecting those that focused on the practicalities and asking children and people involved in research to identify which ones they thought were most important and if anything was missing.

Involving children and young people in research: top tips for researchers

Many researchers understand the value of involving children and young people in NHS, public health and social care research, but are unsure how to go about it.

These tips were developed by:

  • reviewing existing information and guidance on involving children and young people in research
  • selecting those that were relevant to ‘how’ you involve children and young people
  • asking children and young people involved in research to identify which ones they thought were most important and if anything was missing.

More detailed practical guidance including essential requirements for good practice such as safeguarding, legal and ethical requirements, alongside further reading and resources can be found in a related document Involving children and young people in research: top tips and essential key issues for researchers 2016

Public Information Pack (PIP) Booklet 3: Finding out more

PIP 1: So what is it all about?
PIP 2: Getting started
PIP 4: Jargon buster

No. of pages: 20

The Public Information pack (PIP) is made up of four booklets and is for members of the public who are interested in getting involved in NHS, public health and social care research. The booklets have been produced by INVOLVE with support and advice from members of the public to help us ensure we cover the kind of information people need, when first getting involved in research.

INVOLVE policy on payments and expenses for members of the public

This document lays out our internal policy and procedures for payments and expenses for members of the public involved with our work, including INVOLVE Group members. The policy explains when and how payments will be made and expenses covered. These procedures are specific to INVOLVE and our organisation. Others may find the information in the policy useful in order to develop a policy relevant to their organisation.

No. of pages: 19