Analysis (data analysis)

Data analysis involves examining and processing research data, in order to answer the questions that the project is trying to address. It involves identifying patterns and drawing out the main themes, and is often done with specialist computer software.

Advisory group (steering group)

Many research projects have an advisory group (or steering group). The group helps to develop, support, advise and monitor the project. The group often includes people who use services, carers, researchers and other health and social care professionals, who can provide relevant advice.

Action research

Action research is used to bring about improvement or practical change. A group of people who know about a problem work together to develop an idea about how it might be resolved. They then go and test this idea. The people who take part in the testing provide feedback on their experiences. They may also identify further actions that need to be researched and tested. This cycle of developing solutions and testing them is repeated until the problem has been solved.


The term methodology describes how research is done – so it will cover how information is collected and analysed as well as why a particular method has been chosen.


A participant is someone who takes part in a research project. Sometimes research participants are referred to as research ‘subjects’.


A carer is a relative, friend or partner who provides (or intends to provide, or used to provide) a substantial amount of care to another person on a regular basis, but not necessarily through living with them.


This is a brief summary of a research study and its results. It should tell you why the study was done, how the researchers went about it and what they found.