2006 Conference

DOCTER is a consumer led project, which aims to estimate the costs of a cancer illness to the patient and their family. The idea has been refined and developed by the North Trent Cancer Research Network Consumer Research Panel (NTCRN CRP). A pilot study has been carried out by the members of the Research Sub-Group of the NTCRN CRP, all former cancer patients or carers, to assess the format of a draft questionnaire, which was designed and circulated internally to all members of the CRP. It is hoped the project will inform the medical community more systematically of the financial consequences of cancer.

The paper will describe the management of a user-led research project from the original idea, through the development of the required data collection tools, to the launch of a funding bid. The paper will discuss the problems of launching a user-led project in the academic climate that surrounds research in the United Kingdom, and even if the funding bid fails this will be a major aspect of the presentation.


Ardron ~ David

David Ardron, Lay PPI Facilitator, South Yorkshire CLRN. David has worked in patient-public involvement in cancer research for eight years, and more recently in other health areas. His parents are both cancer patients. He is currently working as a PPI facilitator for the South Yorkshire CLRN. He has worked on many local and national research groups and committees.

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Collins ~ Karen

Academic Unit of Supportive Care, University of Sheffield. Karen Collins works as a Research Fellow in the Academic Unit of Supportive Care at the University of Sheffield. Her interests and expertise focus around methods to elicit consumer views of healthcare, patient satisfaction and qualitative research methodologies.

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