2006 Conference

This workshop will be about the development of training materials and courses for service users and carers taking part in research. It will describe the REACT – REsearch in ACTion course and will also talk about training for staff in how to involve service users and carers in research and evaluation.

Virginia Minogue has supported the involvement of service users and carers in all aspects of NHS research since joining the NHS in 2001. She had set up and delivered training for service user and carer groups and wanted to bring this together into one package. She also found that staff needed training to be able to involve service users and carers and developed a course for staff.

Barrie Holt is a service user researcher who had his first experience of health research whilst seeking work. He became interested in doing more and started to work as the project coordinator for the REACT course in 2005.

Barrie and Virginia will describe the REACT course (an OCN accredited course), how it was developed in partnership with service users and carers, its aims and objectives, the different modules, and how it can be delivered. They will also describe and outline a one day course for staff on how to involve service users in research and evaluation. They hope that people will see that research can be both fun and a shared learning experience.


Holt ~ Barrie

REACT Project Coordinator, South West Yorkshire Mental Health NHS Trust, Barrie Holt is a retired teacher and engineer. Barrie is a service user who became involved with the SHRINK group (Social Human Research In Kirklees) to conduct a survey of people with mental health issues in Kirklees. The group was set up, to find out what issues and barriers existed which would hinder people with mental health problems getting, or retaining a job. He went on to become more involved with the South West Yorkshire Mental Health Trust in a range of activities.

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Minogue ~ Virginia

Research Lead, NHS England.

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