front cover

In this issue:

  • Lead article: Not if, but when
  • INVOLVE Coordinating Centre news
  • Interesting articles and publications
  • Payment for involvement

Please note that benefits guidance and tax legislation been subject to considerable change/reinterpretation since 2019. Any INVOLVE documents referring to the payment of involvement fees may now be out of date and are pending a review during 2020. INVOLVE’s guidance should not be substituted for professional advice, and INVOLVE accepts no liability for decisions or actions taken as a result of its guidance. You are always recommended to take your own tax, finance or legal advice.

  • A patient safety study: reflections
  • Bridging the gap
  • Patient involvement in combating sight problems
  • Making sense of study steering groups: the Approach study
  • Improving musculoskeletal research through public participation
  • Noticeboard