Research project


Title: Salford RAPAR Project : Developing Evidence about Needs and Action in Services with Refugees and Asylum Seekers.

Project timescale: From 01 September, 2002 to 01 March, 2005
(Added to website on: 19 May, 2003 - Date last updated: 20 April, 2007)

Source of funding:
Single Regeneration Budget 5, social inclusions stream and multi agency contributions in kind.

Aims: To use evidence gathered through participatory action research and community interaction between asylum seekers, refugees, local people and services to bring about awareness and action that will address: imbalance between services; service gaps; service delivery improvement.

Research designs used:
Action Research
Case Study
Study of views/experiences
Other: Action Learning

Methods used to collect data:
Documentary analysis
Focus groups
Validated instruments eg Outcome measures
Questionnaire survey
Other (please specify): Opportunistic presentation leading to interviews, action learning sets, community consultation events.

Research project description: A community development/PAR team of workers who are currently developing a volunteer layer all of whom are becoming involved in study design, data collection/analysis re presentation of findings and dissemination.

Stages at which the public were involved:
Analysing the research
Writing about the research eg
publications, newsletters
Prioritising topic areas
Disseminating research
Planning the research
Implementing action
Managing the research
Designing the research instruments
(eg questionnaires, patient information sheets)
Undertaking the research

Description of public involvement in research stages: 1. Involved in constructing proposal. 2. Involved in generating/analysing/taking action from data 3. Involved in developing an integrated evaluation of the project.

Training and support provided for either members of the public or researchers involved in the project:

Examples of ways the public have made a difference to the research project: The project could not exist without the involvement of people who are refugees and asylum seekers. They shape and, in partnership with service deliverers and project workers, are delivering the project.

Evaluating the impact of public involvement in the research:

Details of publications or reports resulting from the research: The project went live in September /October 2002. Papers will be produced over time.

Was/is your project user controlled: Not Known

For further information on the project, please contact:
Dr Rhetta Moran

Revans Institute for Action Learning and Research
Technology House
University of Salford
Greater Manchester
M6 6AP
0161 295 5277



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